Recovery is Possible

What’s the Point of Therapy?

In this video I explain a little bit about how EMDR works and why therapy can be helpful.

Containment Strategies

What is containment, and what are some creative strategies? I share some strategies I’ve used (writing, using a literal box, art, textile work), cultural considerations, and how I can’t think about containment without also thinking of embodiment. (I don’t discuss relational containment in this video, but it’s worth a mention…perhaps it’s a topic for a future video!). I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor #2071 in CA but this does not constitute therapeutic advice, it’s not individualized.

You’re Invited to Regulate with Me and Co-Regulation

In this video I invite the viewer to try regulation exercises with me as I share some practices I use to regulate. I also discuss how we may regulate with others and respond to our environment. Please note this is not meant to constitute therapeutic advice as it is not personalized.

Self-Care Holiday Edition

Do you find the holiday season to be stressful? Check out my educational video on self-care during the holidays and family events (it is not meant to constitute therapeutic advice). I discuss my interpretation of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy skill “ABC Please” which was developed by Marsha Linehan and discuss my own examples of how to use it. Content note: I reference how past negative events, including different types of abuse or exposure to drugs and alcohol, may impact people today. 

To view more of my videos, visit my YouTube channel